Formal education will make you a living. Self education will make you a fortune.”
— Jim Rohn


Health - Know The Facts

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Chapter 1 - Health

Health is where we start. without health there is no ability to achieve decent fitness standards. Health is simply being free of illness or injury. Being in good health is important if you plan to live long, be active and handle stress. Knowing the basics will help you be aware of how your own body functions.

chapter 1 Covers:

  1. Introduction to health
  2. General Female Health
  3. General Male Health
  4. Obesity
  5. Anorexia
  6. Depression
  7. Anxiety
  8. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
  9. diabetes
  10. health development
  11. preserving health
  12. Conclusion to health

Fitness - Know The Facts


Chapter 2 - Fitness

Fitness is a state of health concerned with the ability to perform certain tasks. Being fit can make certain activities easier on your body. As we age our performance with certain tasks can hinder. Having a lifestyle focused on Physical fitness and health can help minimize issues that come with age.

chapter 2 covers:

  1. introduction to fitness
  2. fitness training
    • cardiorespiratory fitness
    • muscular strength
    • muscular endurance
    • body composition
    • flexibility
  3. sports fitness
    • Speed
      • Reaction time
    • Agility
    • Power
    • Balance
    • Coordination
  4. conclusion to Fitness

Health & Fitness - How They Relate

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Chapter 3 - Health & Fitness

Health and fitness have a direct relationship. If you are unhealthy, you become unfit. Healthy habits result in good fitness habits. You'll be able to understand how our health and fitness standards relate after this chapter.

chapter 3 covers: